Enhancing Online Presence and Organic Search Performance for Business Utilities Comparison Company

Join us as we delve into a captivating project undertaken by a business utilities comparison company, which has experienced remarkable growth since its establishment. Driven by an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and providing unparalleled value, the company sought to elevate their online presence and increase organic transactions. With a focus on user-focused content and technical SEO, their strategic approach yielded outstanding results, propelling their brand performance, website traffic, and search engine visibility to new heights.

Design assets for this project

About the project

The company, founded in the late 2000s, seeks to locate the best business utility rates. It has grown significantly since its inception. The commitment to delivering unmatched customer service and their dedication to providing clients and suppliers with above-and-beyond value has helped us establish our brand as a top player in their industry.

The project objectives

We desired to increase our client's online presence and, as a result, the volume of transactions coming from organic search. The following goals were established:

  • the number of users on the site;
  • the number of organic sessions;
  • overall objective completions.

The project approach

We knew implementing a comprehensive user-focused content (UFC) strategy would be the most effective way to improve traffic and awareness. UFC is a style of information development that puts the user first and functions similarly to FAQs. Our team created materials that would address these gaps after considering a variety of keywords and industry gaps. We understood that getting our client to rank in these locations would increase trust and brand authority while also assisting with organic visibility because the material that ranked for the chosen queries and with which our content would compete was of relatively low quality.

For this purpose, we developed a customized "content hub" that featured both ordinary posts and lengthy (1000–2000 word) articles. The goal was to establish our client as a leading figure in the energy sector, emphasizing corporate energy.

As usual, we began the technical SEO work with a thorough tech audit. It gave us a starting point from which to evaluate the client's website and identify its potential for optimization. We introduced redirects to the website to prevent canonicalization problems when products fall under numerous categories.

When we finished the audit, we also discovered that many H1 tags and picture alt elements were missing. Obviously, correcting this is a great practice, necessary for SEO performance.

We looked at various strategies for this campaign, and the client's workflow produced some of the finest outcomes we have ever seen. The technical adjustments we made not only resulted in the creation of a unique content hub but also some fantastic outcomes.

The results

The implemented strategy yielded outstanding results for the brand, showcasing impressive achievements across various metrics:

  • Goal completions experienced a remarkable surge, surpassing expectations with a staggering increase of 364%.
  • The number of site users witnessed significant growth, with a notable boost of 131% compared to the previous period.
  • Organic sessions, indicating the number of visits generated through organic search, skyrocketed by an impressive 125%.
  • The keyword rankings for positions 1-3, which represent highly coveted spots in search engine results, saw a remarkable surge of 200%.

These remarkable outcomes highlight the effectiveness of the implemented strategy in driving substantial improvements in brand performance, website traffic, and search engine visibility.

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