Elevating Dental Accessories: A Comprehensive SEO Approach for Brand Recognition and Organic Growth

Discover the remarkable enhancement in search visibility achieved by implementing an all-encompassing technical SEO strategy, demonstrating the power of effective optimization techniques. Moreover, the strategy enabled us to surpass our initial goals, propelling our website to the forefront of search engine results and driving substantial organic traffic growth.

Design assets for this project

About the project

It is the top dental accessories manufacturer worldwide and is well-known in the USA. Since its founding, the business has expanded quickly by producing high-quality oral care products adored by people worldwide. The company's comprehensive selection of flossing, interdental brushes, dental repair, tongue cleaning, and mouth protection products makes us the only dental accessories specialists with a line specifically made for kids.

The project objectives

We have been contacted to assist in creating a long-term SEO plan designed to increase brand recognition among UK consumers. We also assisted the company with designing, developing, and constructing a new, mobile-friendly website that displays the complete range of company's goods offered in the UK:

  • boost top terms' keyword rankings;
  • drive more organic traffic to the website;
  • boost current organic visibility.

By assisting in creating a new content hub on the website, one of the key goals was to portray the client as a thought leader and innovator in the industry.

The project approach

First, we reviewed the previous website and broke it down based on the different SKUs required to be on the site. Following this, we conducted extensive keyword research to determine the most popular terms related to the service portfolio. Once this was finished and accepted, we got to work structuring the site and choosing the best meta descriptions, titles, and headings for each page while also emphasizing the needs for the new page content.

We produced thorough wireframes explicitly designed for mobile viewing as we developed the site's technical specifications.

After we finished the research and came to an agreement on the wireframes, we wrote the content and started the full-scale development consisting of:

  • keyword analysis;
  • strategic planning paper for keywords;
  • wired-up websites;
  • the creation of high-resolution web ideas;
  • research on user-focused content;
  • content components that are user-focused;
  • a new web page.

The results

The brand's strategy yielded impressive outcomes, including:

  • a remarkable 17.2% increase in sessions.
  • a significant boost of 64.8% in mobile traffic.
  • a noteworthy achievement of elevating 19 priority keywords to P1 status.

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